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Come to me Matthew 11:28


Come to me all you who are burdened.

Come to me all you who seek rest.

Your anxious cries, I've already heard them.

My treatment; it is the best!


You may have tried drugs and drink,

Even attempted suicide.

I can change you completely.

It's up to you to decide.


I know you are desperately lonely;

I will be your friend.

But to God, you must come through me only,

your sinful ways must end.


You must not make excuses,

If you want the joy I can give,

you must surrender yourself totally

and then you can start to live.


I have peace and joy awaiting;

a contentment you've never known.

I can stop all those years of hating,

the seed has already been sown.


Come to me all you who are heavy laden;

come to me all you who seek rest.

I'm building a heavenly haven.

You will be richly blessed.



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Rev Rosalie Weller





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