The April meeting of Spiderplant was awesome. Here are some of the highlights.
Rosalie kicked off with a devotional from Isaiah 55:12 You shall go out with joy. This is an encouragement to venture out once again as the vaccine programme rolls out. Let’s be joyous as we continue with our writing journeys.
GUEST SPEAKER: Bobbie Ann Cole
Bobbie explained her love of MIDRASH. Her book “Being Lena Levi” follows this principle. The story is based on the story of the wisdom of Solomon, 1 Kings 3:16-28. Marlene is a British girl living in Canterbury who discovers her biological mother is a Jewish Holocaust survivor. The story highlights Marlene’s identity crisis and explores the question of nature versus nurture as well as Marlene’s Jewish/Christian background.
Fay Rowland also gave a dazzling presentation on “Self-Publishing with Amazon-KDP
JUICY JUNE – Writing for Children
The only possible devotion scripture for this meeting – Matt 19: 13-15 Let the children come to me. Some people dismiss children as unimportant but Jesus encouraged them. What an amazing responsibility we have in writing for children.
GUEST SPEAKER: Karen Rosario Ingerslev
Karen always wanted to be a writer and as a child was an avid reader. She completed an acting degree. Her first book was a fantasy story. She was disappointed with all the rejections she got from traditional publishers. She prayed about it a lot. After a bumpy ride on and off with various publishers, Karen self-published her Livi Starling series about a 14 year old girl from a dysfunctional family. After that came Celery Brown, a funny 10 year old.
Karen’s sincere approach wowed us all. Her vibrant faith has catapulted her writing journey.
Sam Weller gave an informative presentation on “The Place of Illustration in Writing”